Saturday, November 14, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Art Fest Update Uno
Just got my card's from the printer today. They didn't print my logo on the back which makes me sad, but everything else is in order.
Oh and last night started working with some of my new ribbons I bought.
Skulls and crossbones :D
Twelve should do for now...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
My Last Week
Hey doodleblog. Blah blah blah excuses work etc. Well I have been working on my Christmas cards. I literally did no artwork last week since I was covering a lot of shifts at work, including working 10-4 and then coming back to work 7-close...grrr...

Me and a friend sat down last nite trying to figure out the best way to turn out a profit, since I just orderedt hose from the printer, and I'm probably going to sell them in packs of six, for about 12 dollars.
My little Christmas fairies I haven't been working on due to issues transferring files back and forth the various computers that I own :\
My little Christmas fairies I haven't been working on due to issues transferring files back and forth the various computers that I own :\
Work on my website has halted...for now. I made a few changes in organizing my portfolio with some new nifty buttons. Here's a screen cap but for the full effect be sure to visit my site at :D
Oh and used my two days off to have a Halloween Party with my friends...I was Robin!
So hope everyone had a good Halloween.
Oh and used my two days off to have a Halloween Party with my friends...I was Robin!
So hope everyone had a good Halloween.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
My First Carved Pumpkin

This year I decided to carve myself a pumpkin for Halloween. Honestly this is something that I have never done before. I couldn't decide if I wanted to make Trevor Moore, Jeffree Star, or what, but I knew I wanted to do it from a photograph.
Well I ended up buying an artificial pumpkin at Michael's Arts and Crafts when they were 60% off and decided on carving in Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, one of my favorite movies.

Overall I'm pretty looks much better without the light in it though. I've learned from this experience and am ready to tackle another one next Halloween :P
Friday, October 9, 2009
First Look at Christmas Cards
Like I previous mentioned in my other entry, I am going to be selling at the Arts Festival again this year. I have decided two make 2 Christmas sets. Each set will contain a set of three uniquely designed christmas cards, and a set of Christmas stickers. My two sets are going to be Christmas Fairies and Christmas Goodies.
I have three designs for the Christmas Fairy cards so far.
Here are a first look at two:

I have three designs for the Christmas Fairy cards so far.
Here are a first look at two:
Also ordered 250 business cards online and waiting for them to ship :3 I have my own little website @, Violet Ink Design, being my freelance identity. Incase you didn't know, which it would be hard not to notice, I am a freelance Graphic Design desperately searching for a job.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Batman Paper Doll - Standard

Well I had the day off of my retail job today and decided to make my Batman paperdoll...mentioned below the previous post.
And he does really work! Check it out!

[excuse the HORRENDOUS camera phone was the only picture taking device nearby!!]
I'll try to make some more outfits...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Cupcake Couture
I wanted to draw a girl with clothes like a cupcake.
I scrapped my initial sketch when I didn't like how the shorts would be the only thing showing since her back was to the audience.
Now if only I could think of something nifty to do with this.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Many Updates; One Posting
Alright well I've been so uninspired all week long, and the previous week etc.
Applying for lots of jobs only to get no responses. :\
One was for designing paper dolls for a children's magazine and inspiration hit me like a bolt of lightening. I'll make a set of paper dolls! I wanted to do an animal, maybe a cat and a puppy but I thought that would be too Hello Kitty-ish.
I also did a sketch a few weeks ago for another pin-up girl. One that resembles a cupcake and try to expand, or make a set with my Miss Muffet pin-up. That's in the works.
But, yesterday I just bought the new Batman game, Arkham Asylum for my xbawks 360.
I'm all Batman, Batman, Batman now. Drawing inspiration from that, I decided to take my first concept and make instead a BATMAN PAPERDOLL SET.
PLUSSS I'd love to re-visit and polish up my Halloween set. I didn't make the goody bags. I have another ferret to make as well . . .
Well okay, so I have all these half finished, just started projects floating around on paper and my computer, and PLUS my awesome buddy Jame's Birthday is coming up soon. Sooo I'm going to make him something. But he has Blogger so I can't say what it isssss on hereeeeee.
His present is now NUMBER ONE PRIORITY rofll.
I think he will like it. And I'm sure I can finish it before his birthday.
PS: Since I'm on my dell you're just going to have to deal with shitty cellphone camera quality pics of my sketches MMKAY.
Off to work. :D
Applying for lots of jobs only to get no responses. :\
One was for designing paper dolls for a children's magazine and inspiration hit me like a bolt of lightening. I'll make a set of paper dolls! I wanted to do an animal, maybe a cat and a puppy but I thought that would be too Hello Kitty-ish.
I also did a sketch a few weeks ago for another pin-up girl. One that resembles a cupcake and try to expand, or make a set with my Miss Muffet pin-up. That's in the works.
But, yesterday I just bought the new Batman game, Arkham Asylum for my xbawks 360.
I'm all Batman, Batman, Batman now. Drawing inspiration from that, I decided to take my first concept and make instead a BATMAN PAPERDOLL SET.
PLUSSS I'd love to re-visit and polish up my Halloween set. I didn't make the goody bags. I have another ferret to make as well . . .
Well okay, so I have all these half finished, just started projects floating around on paper and my computer, and PLUS my awesome buddy Jame's Birthday is coming up soon. Sooo I'm going to make him something. But he has Blogger so I can't say what it isssss on hereeeeee.
His present is now NUMBER ONE PRIORITY rofll.
I think he will like it. And I'm sure I can finish it before his birthday.
PS: Since I'm on my dell you're just going to have to deal with shitty cellphone camera quality pics of my sketches MMKAY.
Off to work. :D
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Fight Club . . . with ferrets
Sigh, I know I have not updated lately.
Unforunately and fortunately, I got loads of hours at my retail job.
Money for me, but less time to work on my art.
I have about 3 drawings that I started but haven't found the time to finish.
I did make this little guy today in honor of a conversation I had with a friend about Fight Club . . .with Ferrets. This is my Ferret. He has racing stripes and a knife. The racing stripes are red so he goes super fast.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Final Invites and Stickers
Set of three invites.
Sticker sheet.
Hmmm now I need to think of how to make the goodie bags.
edit: sooo I'm a retard at blogspot, and can't figure out how to enable the comments. the closest I can get it to work. . . is if I have the comment box pop up in another window. doh.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Grocery Shopping Tomorrow
Worked 8 hrs today.
Crooked Weezer logo.
MGMT - Kids has been stuck in my head all day.
Tomorrow is a day off, which means grocery shopping time. Whee.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Got my CD from Computer Arts Projects
Excuse my appearance for this post. Computer Arts is an AMAZING magazine for Graphic Designers and Illustrators alike. It's actually from the UK, I still buy it in Border's all the timeee because it's excellent eyecandy, features epic tutorials, and tons of inspiration.
The issues literal suck me in like a black hole. A few weeks ago I snagged issue 124 of the CA Projects from Borders. I read it through and through which took me about a week with my hectic schedule, and when I finally got to the end, I realized, doh! Someone took the CD! Because there was no CD there.
I was devastated, especially after it taunted me by listing the features of the issues CD, including FREE FRONTS! And who can't get enough fonts, amirite?
Well anyway, thank goodness for the little miracle called Twitter. I tweeted the magazine and they had no problem with shipping a free replacement CD to me in the states making them my new best friends in the whole world. :D
PS: Here's just three of the fonts on the CD I threw together in excitement upon getting them like, .2 minutes ago.
Friday, August 7, 2009
First Look at Halloween Set
Eeep posting this off of my Macbook in Safari. . . so it's being touchy.
But anyway, I got two of my invitations done. I just have one more to dooo.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Not Forgetting to Post
I figured I would start the work on it now so it would be ready BEFORE Halloween.
Yesterday I was at my brother's girlfriend's house hanging out in the garage, sitting in a golf cart with my Macbook while he was working on his car and played Teen Titans. Needless to say, I don't get any internet sitting in a golfcart.
All I can upload are my crappy sketches and an early photo of my screen that I took with my phone >.>
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Koala Mariachi Band
Aye another week where I've been completely lacking inspiration. I doodle an idea down in my sketchbook but will rarely do a fully computer generated follow through.
Yesterday though I was browsing the TourCrush Forums, somewhere I had not been on in a longggg time. There is a set of art posts, and one girl posted the opportunity for her to draw requests. Needless the say it seems the topic had not been touched since June.
One of the users asked for a Koala Mariachi band. So I just ran with it.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Diet
Alright well I haven't kept up with my faithful updates as promised.
It is summer after all.

I eat a lot Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Why? Because it takes like 7 minutes to make, is tasty, and one box leaves me with leftovers for the next day. I also tend to know a lot about it, I once made a interactive time line of the bright orange delight in Adobe Director.
I practically live in boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. And I choose to do so.
It is summer after all.
I eat a lot Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Why? Because it takes like 7 minutes to make, is tasty, and one box leaves me with leftovers for the next day. I also tend to know a lot about it, I once made a interactive time line of the bright orange delight in Adobe Director.
I practically live in boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. And I choose to do so.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Rotti Your King is Dying
So my journey into watercolors continues. Today I went for the head honcho Rotti Largo:

Big improvement from my Amber Sweet.
I'm doing a biggg collage . . .picture thing. Rotti is the top and center. So I'm pretty sure I have to continue his arms and shoulders. Don't know if I want to do that on Photoshop or IRL with the watercolors.
I also got a new scanner today D: It epically scans at 300 DPI as a default! Very exciting compared to my old scanner.
And of course I figured I'd upload a photo of my working conditions here at home:

A little cramped eh? The DVD of course for reference and the apple well . . . for noms sake. :D
Big improvement from my Amber Sweet.
I'm doing a biggg collage . . .picture thing. Rotti is the top and center. So I'm pretty sure I have to continue his arms and shoulders. Don't know if I want to do that on Photoshop or IRL with the watercolors.
I also got a new scanner today D: It epically scans at 300 DPI as a default! Very exciting compared to my old scanner.
And of course I figured I'd upload a photo of my working conditions here at home:
A little cramped eh? The DVD of course for reference and the apple well . . . for noms sake. :D
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The Cashew Family
The last few days have been pretty busy for me. I've been attempting to live this summer like a true summer.
I have two "bigger," projects in mind but didn't want to tackle them today since I was going to see Bruno later [not sure if that is still happening] but anyway, I asked a friend what to draw. She reminded me she told me last time to draw her a family of cashews. :P
Monday, July 6, 2009
Aussie vs Garnier
I keep forgetting to buy shampoo. To top that off we haven't had hot water in . . . weeks. So it's very frustrating to start my day off.
I only use Aussie because it's the only shampoo that can thoroughly wash my 70% hair glue & hairspray hair. But since there was none left I had to use a random sample bottle of Garnier this morning.
I hated it. So I decided to sketch a passe of Aussie hairproducts waiting for Garnier to show up, to get what he had coming. I was so enthralled while designing the Aussie bottles, and decided in my anger to put less effort into the Garnier.
Take that you stupid shampoo.
Friday, July 3, 2009
First Entry :D
Hellooo and welcome to the first entry of my blog. :D I started this blog so I could get motivated in completing my own independent projects, outside of school now since I did the hokey pokey and turned myself around, education-wise.
A little about me? My name is Laura, and I'm 21 years old, and I'm a freelance designer. Mostly I like to play around on Adobe Illustrator, to learn more about me or my work feel free to visit my website:
I spend a lot of my time on the computer >.> and have about 2 million other accounts on 2 million other websites. My Twitter, for instance, is on the right. I'm contemplating making this a weekly/biweekly, blog. I tried daily . . .not happening.
Plus it's an easy way to track my progress.
Oh and eventually this cheap layout is getting thrown out the window but for now it stays until I figure out how to code one on my own. :[
Earlier this week I was propositioned for an internship at a place called, "Goggleworks." Unfortunately, Goggleworks is a tad bit out of the way transportation wise. :[
But to eleviate some of the stress I was feeling with the decision, I created this.

When I hear Goggleworks, the first thing I think of is the Willy Wonka goggles. I also enjoy the concept of a Snozzberry. So I married them both.
A little about me? My name is Laura, and I'm 21 years old, and I'm a freelance designer. Mostly I like to play around on Adobe Illustrator, to learn more about me or my work feel free to visit my website:
I spend a lot of my time on the computer >.> and have about 2 million other accounts on 2 million other websites. My Twitter, for instance, is on the right. I'm contemplating making this a weekly/biweekly, blog. I tried daily . . .not happening.
Plus it's an easy way to track my progress.
Oh and eventually this cheap layout is getting thrown out the window but for now it stays until I figure out how to code one on my own. :[
Earlier this week I was propositioned for an internship at a place called, "Goggleworks." Unfortunately, Goggleworks is a tad bit out of the way transportation wise. :[
But to eleviate some of the stress I was feeling with the decision, I created this.
When I hear Goggleworks, the first thing I think of is the Willy Wonka goggles. I also enjoy the concept of a Snozzberry. So I married them both.
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