Today I noticed something, my hand was in the photograph of something important going on. And this isn't the first time. Throughout my life I have found my hand appearing in crowds atleast three times.
Anyone who knows me knows that I have very small, childlike hands. I am only 5ft tall so my feet are small, my hands are small, etc. I also always wear the same bracelets.
Here are the three historic events my hands were in:
1. MSI @ the Electric Factory in Philadelphia Pa
original courtesy of FairyTaleVegas)

Often times at concerts I'm not in the FRONT row but the one behind the front. When I first saw thsi photo I immediately noticed my baby fist defiantly clenched emerging from the crowd. Complete rebel I know. The girl who seems to be rolling her eyes was very nice and took a video for me at the show. You can also see one of my friends pink hair sticking out if you look slightly down and to the right of the circle where my hand is located.

Here is me and my friend at another concert, Bamboozle to be exact.
2. MSI @the crock rock cafe in Allentown:
(original source...dunno!)

I love me some Mindless Self Indulgence! This is fact. Now in this picture the circle is not indicating the guy with the glasses, but instead my hands wearing the red fishnets. They were periodically taking pictures on the stage of the crowd and in order to let my hands to be apart of history everytime I saw the camera I threw them into the air, like I just don't care.

Here is a horrible photograph of me pre-msi show. Clearly we see the same fishnets and black t-shirt.
3. Jerseylicious Summer Kick off Party
(original source Tracy DiMarco's Facebook)
This is the last place I recall seeing my hand in a published photo. I was at the Jerseylicious Summer Kick off Party at the Gatsby Salon around like... June... or May. I usually wear all the same bracelet's everyday now, the blue and grey silicone bracelets.
Here is a photo of me and my bracelets:

And here is another photo of a close up of just my bracelets:

There's no doubt about it, that's MY hand. I was so surprised to see it there that I decided to write this blog and look back at all the memories of my hand being in photos.
Who knows where they will turn up next?