Search a Doodle

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Alisha's Anniversary Portrait!!

Hey everyone! I have been doing a lot of work redoing my branding and overhauling my website but I figured I would update the blog for August with a portrait I completed for a client!!

Another happy couple were ready to celebrate their Anniversary and what better gift than a cute, cartoon portrait by Violet Ink Design?? I normally post a photo with the drawing but I used a lot of different reference photos to make it unique!! Alisha pick and chose articles of clothing and even accessories to feature in the portrait!!

The details are excellent as usual. I made sure to illustrate Alisha's jewelry to the t.

The background is really elegant and she also wanted to add a personalized quote to the piece to make it even more unique. I went above and beyound and she was very pleased with the finished product. I hope they have a wonderful anniversary and a wonderful future together!!

To consult me about your own personalized digital portrait feel free to hit up the contact section of my website, OR just send me an e-mail at

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I wanna learn to do illustrations one day too!

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